An Introduction to Bluetooth Technology Applications

Nowadays, wireless technology is becoming an essential thing in electronic. This is why wireless technology introduction matters a lot. And apparently, this thing has motivated us to bring this article to you.

As we see today, any electronics such as gadget, computer, even television has already completed with wireless technology inside. And one of these popular wireless technologies is Bluetooth.

Introduction to Bluetooth Technology Applications

Bluetooth technology applications is used to transfer data between different electronic devices; it works in small distance compared to other wireless communication modes.

Having Bluetooth Technology Applications in a gadget is such a must. It makes the data transferring easier between two possible devices. And with Bluetooth Technology Applications, you are no longer need to use cords, cables, and adapters to communicate with other devices. So much simpler, right?

Talking about Bluetooth, there are various Bluetooth technology types you can get in the markets. Many commons products that use Bluetooth technology are also available in the stores.

Some examples of these products are headsets, PC cards, Radios, Dongles, Gadgets, Laptops, Music players, and so on. And to give you more examples about it, here are some Bluetooth technology applications that we can find around us.

Applications of Bluetooth Technology in Railway Systems

bluetooth Technology application
Bluetooth technology applications

Actually, the technology of Bluetooth is used not only for data transferring among gadget for leisure, but also for something more important. For example is buying train tickets.

Yes, you can order the train ticket in a station instantly via your smartphone. So, in the station, you do not need to stand in a queue to get tickets in booking center.

Instead of doing it, you can just use your smartphone with Bluetooth Technology Applications. This is the applications that is made in order to decrease the crowd in the railways station.

The problem with the conventional system of railways, is the long queues in front of ticket window. It is very inefficient, and cannot be scaled if the resources used to maintain them are not increased.

Further, other railway system such as the use of smart cards and kiosks is also an issue. It can be overcrowded. It is because when people are about to get through the gate, they still need to be in crowd and being close physically to each other on the vending kiosk.

So, the use of mobile phone and Bluetooth technology in railway system would be a great solution for this. Costumers do not need to be standing in queue anymore. They just can sit comfortably and buy a ticket via Bluetooth with their mobile phone.

Applications of Bluetooth Technology Based Smart Sensor Networks

As said before, Bluetooth has a small distance capability. It is the standard of a low power, short-range wireless communication. With this characteristic, it could be a challenge for smart sensor networks used, to be based on Bluetooth principle due to the low-power system. Here are some notes for implications of Bluetooth in the sensory system.

  • Battery life: The battery life will be drastically decreased, especially when the nodes constantly listen for, route, and relay network traffic.
  • Cost: The price of Bluetooth is pretty cheap, but it depends on the network coverage in a mesh. The price would be drastically increased or even decreased because of that. For example, when covering a large house, it would not be cheap, but a small house covering would not be expensive anymore.
  • Reliability: the network good chunk could be taken down if one node that is placed in key locations drops out of the mesh.
  • Latency: You’ll experience latency because of the route point. In a mesh network, if you want to get massage from point 1 to point 2, your data need to pass through the point 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 first.

Applications of Bluetooth Technology in Controlled Robot

There is a tutorial on some websites about how to make a Bluetooth-controlled robot. And interestingly, you can actually make it by yourself. It requires some extensive skills too.

You can do it by yourself with some simple steps of hacking the robot, or other stuff such as RC and other connected devices. You can just simply download the application on your android smartphone, and once you have it, you can control your robot via Bluetooth.

bluetooth Technology application
Bluetooth technology applications

Furthermore, there is some stuff that is required in order to do this project. There numbers of specific software and hardware you will need to complete it. You can find the detailed information about it on the DIY HACKING website.

That website provides you the step by step tutorial to give your android smartphone full control of the robot. So, how does this work? It’s quite simple actually; the presence of Bluetooth Technology Applications is the reason that you can control it wirelessly.

The android application with the smartphone’s Bluetooth communicates with the bluetooth module planted on the robot. When you press button on the app, it sends command to the robot via Bluetooth.

Applications of Bluetooth Technology in Greenhouse Environment Monitor and Control

Monitoring and control is the essential role in managing and producing Greenhouse. It will be a great thing for the management if it’s controlled wirelessly.

The use of Bluetooth technology and Android device in monitoring and controlling Greenhouse Environment is a great solution. Because, the wireless monitoring and controlling that are based on Android smart phone would solve some issues relating to Greenhouse Environment.

The issues such as poor real time data monitoring, excessive needs of manpower, and overcoming complex wiring, would definitely be solved.

With Bluetooth Technology Applications in Greenhouse management and production, you could monitor the temperature values; the moisture of soil, the continuously modified and controlled natural environment sunlight for maximum plant growth and yield.

The parameter would be displayed on LCD. All the given parameters would also be sensed by respective sensor. It is using analog sensor output, it is given to microcontroller of ADC pin. The parameters are controlled by microcontroller. Using relay, microcontroller keeps them at some predefined levels.

Applications of Bluetooth Technology in Home Automation

First, you need to know about Home Automation. It is an automatic control to particular electrical and electronic system in a Home, House, or Building. You can control your Home’s electronics with your Android Smartphone via Bluetooth.

This Home Bluetooth Technology Applications is exist because of the increasing demand for smart homes, people want things to be easy, they want to have the appliances to react automatically in order to change environmental conditions and it can be controlled easily via Android Smartphone.

bluetooth Technology application
Bluetooth technology applications

It would be pretty cool when you can turn off/on your Air Conditioner just by touching your Android smartphone. Another example is that you can simply tap your phone and switch on/off the lights, fans, and other home appliances. People might be asking why using Bluetooth, not some other wireless technology which is probably much sophisticated than Bluetooth.

Bluetooth is preferable to be used because recently Smartphones are in people’s hand all the time. Further, as we know, all smartphones have Bluetooth features in them.

So, your smartphone is not only functioned as your communication device but also your remote control for any appliances in your house. The advantages of using Bluetooth are its security, easiness, short distance range, and its compatibility.

Applications of Bluetooth Technology in BLE

Bluetooth Low Energy, or famously known as Bluetooth Smart, is a wireless network technology for personal area. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) is the one that designed this technology.

You can find this technology in fitness, healthcare, security, beacons, and home entertainment industries. If classic Bluetooth and Bluetooth smart are standing side by side, you will see the different. The Bluetooth smart would get your power consumption more well-maintained.

In Healthcare applications, you can find some profiles for Bluetooth Smart Devices. They are, Blood Pressure Profile (BLP), Health Thermometer Profile (HTP), Continuous Glucose Monitor Profile (CGMP), and Glucose Profile (GLP).

In Sports and Fitness Applications, there are Body Composition Service, Cycling Speed and Cadence Profile, Running Speed Profile, Location and Navigation Profile (LNP), Cycling Power Profile (CPP), Weight Scale Profile (WSP), and Heart Rate Profile (HRP). There are more useful profiles that are the products of The Continua Health Alliance using Bluetooth Technology Applications

While talking about history of BLE, this kind of Bluetooth Technology Applications was first introduced by Nokia in 2016. The name was Wibree at that time. Then, in 2010, they adopted the version 4.0 of Bluetooth Core Specification, after that merged Wibree into main Bluetooth standard.

Disadvantages of Bluetooth Technology Application

Bluetooth Technology Applications are used because of the advantages. Bluetooth is easy to use and it’s not complicated. It’s tough, it consumes Less Power, and the price is Inexpensive.

It is the most common and popular wireless technology that people could have. But, besides the advantages, people need to know the disadvantages of using Bluetooth Technology Applications too.

Well, Bluetooth technology is not really secured. So, if you do not secure it well, it can be hacked from the outside. Further, your smartphone can also be infected with virus easily, it’s like you open the door for the virus to come in.

But, you can prevent the virus or even kill it; with anti-virus software or app you can download in many applications stores. As said before, the short range or small distance communication is also one of the disadvantages of Bluetooth technology.

Moreover, the use of Bluetooth technology is limited. You can only connect 2 devices at once; this technology only works in pair. In particular conditions, you can lose the connection.

After all, Bluetooth Technology Applications is important because of its mobility. The connection of Bluetooth can be set up with no need of power outlet, internet, or any other items.

The devices tend to be easy to carry around everywhere. Despite all the disadvantages, the combination of Smartphone and Bluetooth Technology Applications is the perfect solution for your wireless issues. Well, that’s all about the wireless technology introduction